Thursday, July 19, 2012

Update 7/16/12:  Working while it's Warm or The Ramble that wasn't...

Sierra and I ran out to JTS to meet with Brian and Allan Ratliff, as well as work with  John Griffin on the layout.  It was a tad warm with temp's in the mid 90's.  The day was made pleasant with the occasional breeze (gust).  The goal was to install the new, beautiful, bridge that Gary Conley built for the G-scale.  Additionally, 60(+) feet of track was added to the mainline as well as two staging sidings.  

Sierra and I discuss the the project.  John is already testing the new track.

Allan took this about 2:00 as I was wiring the power switch for the new staging tracks.
Gary's bridge is in the upper left of the above image.  Photo by John.

John shot this image of  Gary's bridge, the temporary trestle and the (crooked) staging sidings.
(I'll straighten the inner siding on the next work day).

    All track was tested in both directions.  A few hummocks and bumps were present but the equipment ran through without any issues.  The track needs ballasting.  The center of this area will receive some rock piles, soil and structures to give some detail to the flat topped planter.  
     We are running low on rail clamps and will need to purchase some if any additional track is to be added.  I noticed that the original planter beds are quite a bit lower than the both of the new raised beds.  The plan is to set the laser level and raise the height of the original raised beds then re-set the track.  Gary plans on building new bridges to replace the original units.   The plan for Fall is to start the picnic shelter for the G-scale.  
More to follow, Don.