Sunday, July 17, 2011

JTSRR G Scale Update

One of the M.O.W. Crews hard at work on the Right of Way
Photo by John Griffin

I have been asked to return to the task of G scale Coordinator for JTS. I'll give a little background before I give the update. My name is Don Gage, I am an avid kitbasher and scratchbuilder in G scale and have been doing so for about 20 years. To date I have designed and installed over a dozen railroads, mainly for friends in and around Southern California. I have a website of some of my modeling at:

Myself along with the help of Alec and Eric Bauer built the first three iterations of a G scale railroad at JTS. So if there is something you didn't like about the earlier railroads, I'm the one to blame.

I have met with the President and several coordinators and board members to discuss the future of G scale at JTS. I created a clearance gauge that will be used to cut back the slope on the slope between the G scale area and 7.5" mainline insuring enough space is kept between the areas. The plan is to build a retaining wall to support the foot of the slope and the upper plateau. Bob Whitt, John Griffin and I have discussed the changes that we plan on for the immediate future. Our goals include improving the industrial loops operation and completing the new and improved mainline loop. The loops will be fully operational for both raidio control and track powered equipment.

Bob Whitt donated over 24 full size railroad ties for the retaining wall between the G and 7.5".

Miles Boardman's wife has donated track, buildings and other items for use at JTS after Miles passing, I greatly appreciate the kind gesture. Miles was a good friend of JTS and the prior G scale coordinator at JTS, he will be missed. We are grateful to be able to keep his memory alive by incorporating his railroad with ours.

More to follow,

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